Blog Post #1

Lecture Reflection & Issues in Media


In our first meeting with the lecturer, we were asked what is communication? I remembered answering communication is for us to communicate. Really should not have said that.
Source: knowyourmeme

Lecture Reflection
Communications plays a massive role in our daily activities. Communication is a process in which we create, maintain or demolish meaningful contact between sources and receivers through speaking, writing or signaling.

 Different types of communication are basic features of human life. For instance, the Shanon- Weaver model of communication shows that behind the simple spread of message, there is a greater process that needs to be considered and done before being received by intended audience.

Source: MikeCrudge

 As we’re living in a technological age, mass media acts prominent role in communication. The development and improvement in technological devices are closely integrated with communication, and its impact on media. 

Just like everything else, mass communication has its pros and cons toward politics, economics, social trends and culture. Nowadays, we can easily keep ourselves up-to-date through different media platforms. We no longer need homing pigeons, town crier, ravens and letter that can be replaced by mass media such as radio, television, radio, mobile devices etc. People can stay connected through technologically managed media, globally. These are the benefits of mass communication.

 As for cons, not all the messages are sent accurately and appropriately. Gatekeepers play important role on it. Besides, technological era might take over employment. Workers are constantly being eliminated due to high demand of machines than humans. Moreover, development of technology consequently causing the reduction in the production of printed media such as newspapers and tabloids, ultimately affecting specific industry.

My reflection on the first week of class
Insert pun here:

Source: tumblr

After the lesson, we have deeper understanding towards communication settings such as the eight elements of communications as well as forms of human communication. Besides, we were also taught about the transition on mass media in technology, economics and social trends such as an Internet model of mass media, the business of mass media and transition of way in emerging media trends.

Issues in media

The mass media is a cultural storyteller” we strongly agree with this statement considering the negative and positive factors. Mass media communication is a platform used to communicate and inform the public. We are constantly being bombarded with information from range of sources such as the newspapers, magazines, social media, news and etc. On the down side, the media plays a major influence on society defining what is trendy and what is not. People would tend to spend unnecessary money to just keep up with the trend in fear of getting left behind. 

We believe what TV series or movies portrays reflects deeply on their culture and society. Media lies on the edge; the positive and negative are usually show-cast in an extreme manner. By this we mean, they exaggerate a simple matter to gain attention and of course audience. 

Source: tumblr
The purpose of series or movies is to convey a message regardless of its depth and creativity. Popular series such as “How I Met Your Mother” and “Friends” allows us to get glimpse of the American culture, society and perspective on life. People watch for different purpose, whatever reason that is though they’re bound to become cultured to the series they’re constantly following. However, sometimes messages that reaches audiences may differ.  For an example, in both TV series that we have chosen, it's occasionally known that even if the characters have a job, they are not usually working which could lead to people misunderstanding that a happy life is not all about working. 

Source: indipepper

Not only these series but movies and series in general unconsciously forces us to rethink the way we think, relive the way we live, differ the way we feel and more importantly but rather vaguely done, to convert from our culture to theirs. For an example, in both TV series that we have chosen, it's occasionally known that even if the characters have a job, they are not usually working which could lead to people misunderstanding that a happy life is not all about working. In this globalized world, Pop culture plays a massive role. The US is the biggest producer of pop culture and it is done through many different forms. Hence the younger generations around the world is manifested with the idea of their culture and gradually becoming westernised or in some cases “americanised”. This is through the influence of British and the prominent American media. 

For this part of the blog, we will be examining two series programmes. We will be investigating its content and its impact on Malaysian culture. The two chose programmes are “How I Met Your Mother” aka “HIMYM” and “Friends”. They’re both American sitcom resembling lives of regular people, typical American more precisely, in their 20’s going through common hardships of life such as career, relationships, family and friends. This series is reality in fiction. HIMYM and Friends are almost similar in some way, it’s about group of friends hanging out at bars in the great New York City or at Mosby’s apartment. The same concept applies to “Friends”, they hang out at a coffee shop called the “central park”. 

Two really popular American TV series
Source: indipepper

Friends” will be remembered as the show that made America aware that being in your 20s is really being in the prime of life," I couldn’t agree more to this, simply because that is exactly what these shows are portraying. Though they’re busy dealing with their life problems, they’re trying to have fun at the very same time. Each characters have got their own problems to face however they’ve still got time for a drink and gossips. By doing so, they’re subconsciously providing one another consolation. This shows also teaches that close friends are your second family, I believe there’s no need for elaboration for this point since we’ve all experienced it at one point. 

Friends,  they'll always have your back
Source: tumblr

Though our group is not a great follower of “Friends” TV series, from our research we understood that the 90’s show had a great cultural impact globally. Rachel’s haircut called “the Rachel” was an iconic haircut that many viewers all over the world had it cut the same way. “how you doing?” became an instant pick up line as it was used by Joey, however it has now evolved to become a common use whilst greeting someone.

As for HIMYM TV series phrases or slangs such as “Legen-dary”, “wait for it...” (it will be legen... wait for it...dary.)“Challenge accepted”, “Bro-fist”, “Bro-code”, “Suit up” and “sandwich” has become a common term that many youngsters tend to strike it into their conversations.

Source: fanpop

Source: giphy

The few values that people learn from these TV series are whenever you’re running low on cash, friends are always there to support you. For example, in the series “Friends” Chandler always support Joey during his financial crisis.

Both series “How I met your mother” and “Friends” has a great influenced to the younger generations, for example Joey from “Friends” and Barney from “How I met your mother” are like the “Casanova” in the series and most of younger generation nowadays like to follow their footsteps and become a player/ womanizer. This is particularly true because many male viewers who are serious admirers of these shows

Besides that, in the TV series HIMYM, Barney Stinson mentioned about the Bro-Code. The Bro-Code may or may not exist but it did give most people an epiphany about what you are able to do and what are your limits when being with your "bro". For an example, and I quote "A Bro shall not sleep with another Bro's sister. However a Bro shall not get angry when another Bro says,"Dude, your sister is hot!"." - Barney Stinson. Source: idiva

Lastly, Lily and Marshall from HIMYM are the ideal couple that most people of current generation dream of. This couple is not afraid to express their feelings towards each other and whenever they fight, they always find a solution to fix things up, which is a major issue in many relationships today.
Anyone would want a relationship where you can be together like you are best friends
Source: tumblr

Media is not solely created for entertainment purpose. Back in the day it was however it has changed now. It is created to analyse and evaluate our surroundings, to understand the society we live in today. They’re created to provoke an issue, to be interpreted into one’s own customised vision.

From a positive perspective, mass media acting as a cultural story teller is basically playing a crucial informative role by informing the public either nationally or in an international level. These form of media falls under the category of news. The purpose of this delivered content is to simply raise awareness and to keep everyone updated. 

Technological devices are truly one of the greatest innovation. With devices in our hands, the amount of information we receive is unlimited. With easy access to information at the end of our fingertip, it is just as simple to spread it through social media platform, Twitter for instance. Social media platform has dramatically increased communication with people of a great geographical distance, of different background (nationality,ethnicity,age and race).

Technology beating traditional way of sending messages
Source: gay3ty

 As people become more westernised, they tend to lose their identity. From my observation, many Malaysians are communicating in English and when we strike a conversation in our respective distinct native language (Malay, Tamil or Mandarin) many people seem to struggle with their response. It’s not just the language that is in jeopardy, but the religion and other cultural practices that makes an individual.

I believe, mass media is a product of globalisation. The comforts of modern life are alluring. But the loss is also heavy. Globalisation is the process by which people, culture, money, good and information can be transferred between countries with few or no barriers. It accelerates the improvement and inventions of technology. 

Technology is now the leading factor for the modern world to be creating new jobs, innovations, and networking sites that allows individuals to connect globally. Global phone and Internet connection bringing information from across the world within few minutes through email, social networks or global medias. 

With no doubt, mass media of all form has slowed down interaction between families and friends. It seems people are too consumed in their phones, tablets, laptops that we forget about the importance of face to face communication and spending quality time with the loved ones.

Invention of technology is supposed to make us more connected, to stay in touch with friends and families all the time through social media platform such as Facebook or Skype. However it seems to be getting in the way of real face to face socialisation. It seems to be making us more alone and we seem to lose face to face interrelationships and interactions. The blame is not to be put on media but the devices we consume on to get in touch with media is the an issue.

Humans or zombies?
Source: weknowmemes

Malaysian culture is at its most vulnerable state due to the influence of media. Although this is an arising issue, censorship is being widely being used to cover up certain matters from the public in order to sustain their culture and in other cases, reputation of the country. The government has the power to control the mainstream news media, preventing them from revealing raw news, instead it goes through a process of manipulation. As realistic as it sounds, manipulation limits information. Hence many people tend to gather information from alternative media source and gather all pieces of information to find the truth.

Source: menwithfoilhats

There is an online newspaper called Malaysiakini that unravel and discloses news that mainstream newspaper does not. It comes with an option of Mandarin, Tamil, English or Malay language. It is an “independent news portal as well as the first commercial online newspaper”.

It is clear that excessive usage of internet (craving information from other form) changes the youths’ perspective. The young generation including the children are advanced with their capability of internet usage hence all the information that are quietly suppressed by the mainstream news media is now being revealed through the internet.

Shucks, we need the internet. Else, I could not have posted this blogpost!
Source: funnyjunk

Many X-rated movies that are controversial to some conservative culture such as Malaysian culture tend to censor inappropriate scenes to avoid criticism. But again, curious audience tend to find alternative source from the internet to watch what they’ve missed. Movies such as the “Fifty Shades of Grey” or “The Game of Thrones” proclaimed with vast amount of criticism due to its sexual content is still being or will be aired on television. However whilst airing them on television or the cinema, it does goes through the censorship stage before hand to remove all the unfitting scenes.

Although from a cultural perspective, youths are losing their uniqueness and individuality. Many young people are being disclosed to great amount of information, both good and bad information by the help of media. Since it is possible to share almost anything on the internet people are becoming rather knowledgeable of their surrounding and many has begun to think out of the box and evaluate a situation critically.

Blog: Bernard
Researchers: Raaveeniya, Zaid
Writers: Raaveniya, Yao Qing, Yin Peng, Zaid
Editor: Yao Qing, Bernard


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